Reach All Learners with Video Lessons!

How do Video Lessons help to Reach all Learners?  Find out here!  #teaching #ideas #languagearts

My middle school students and I started reading the novel Tangerine.  I started talking about theme and my students looked at me like I had four heads!  

I tried re-explaining it but I could see some students were still a bit foggy on the concept.

Since we're 1:1 (every student has their own laptop), I made some digital notes and a video to go with the notes to give them that boost they needed.

The students loved being able to rewind, pause, and even fast-forward at their own pace.  Once we had finished the notes, when I started talking about theme again, we had something to refer back to and use to inform our discussions.  Now we were all on the same page and ready to analyze that text!

But what was even better, was that these lessons made it possible for me to walk around and give more attention to students who needed it.  Plus, with the addition of 4 different levels of scaffolded notes, everyone got just the right amount of differentiation.

Want to try my theme refresher?  The video is below and the notes are in my Members-Only Resource Library.  

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