Middle School Classroom Management Strategies

Looking for some new classroom management strategies for middle school?  Try one or all of these!  #behavior #ideas

It's important to start the new school year with a clear focus and expectations - expectations of the teacher AND of the students.  The #2ndaryELA community recently gathered to talk about all the ways we build relationships and create community to effectively manage our classes.  Read on to see if you can pick up a new classroom management strategy or two!

Q1: How do you establish expectations for your classes?
A1: I’m going to do a game with stations having students complete tasks to get to know how things work in my class.
A1- I go over expectations the first day and let them know respect to all is my number one expectation.
A1: We talk about what RESPECT looks like, because all expectations are based on this.
A1 I do the same. I like to use to review my expectations after I've introduced them on the first day to make it fun

A1: Elementary teachers are strongly advised to focus the first 2 wks on class routines. I think this is just as important in 2ndary. I review class expectations the first day, but also spend the next 2 wks actively modeling them & narrating aloud as I do.
Q2: Which routines or procedures are most important for keeping your class running smoothly?
A1: I have three simple expectations, not rules, but the kids give input about how we'll interpret them. They write down specific things they can do that meet or fall short of those expectations. Then we have a class discussion about what they wrote on sticky notes.
A2: My classroom model is built on daily collaboration, so the most important expectation becomes active & respectful participation in our learning community. This really encompasses all other decisions/behaviors- talking, cell phones, sleeping, bathroom visits.
A2: For me, it's having the same routine to start and end class. That means consistent bell work routines and exit routines.
A2: The beginning of class routine is important. I wait at door & welcome them in, the bell work is on board, they start working on their own.
The same routine to begin class everyday is important. I will have our agenda on the board and specific task on a PowerPoint slide.
A2: My most important routine is what the students do when they come in class. I like to get class started off on the right foot.
Q3: What do you do with students who are apathetic about learning?
A3: We know the need to build relationships with Ss to combat apathy. This is not always practical/successful though. I think it is important to call in back-up. If I can’t make the needed connection, I seek out the teacher or coach or counselor or even peer who can.
Sit & talk to the student. Have lunch, listen, build a relationship. The student usually begins to do better once he/she sees the interest.
Replying to 
I've done something similar with a "walk and talk" where we do an errand together and then discuss progress towards a goal.
A3- I like to find out what they are interested in and make connections.
A3: Tough question! I like to make a connection with them. Then they will do some work for me.
Q4: What’s your preferred method of redirecting off task students?
A4 Community in my is everything to me. We spend time talking about what community means to us, and how we support the communities that we are part of. When see the amount of time dedicated to those discussions, they know how important it is.
A4- I usually just have to go and stand next to them and they begin to work.
A4: I'll usually walk over to the student, lean in, and ask a question that redirects back to the task at hand. Sometimes, I might generally ask the class about our agreements to see if the person self-corrects.
A4 Proximity. Then a quiet reminder of what they should be doing. If it is extreme, I'll ask them to step out into the hall
Q5: How do you handle constantly disruptive students?
A5 Phone call home. Detention. Parent meeting. Repeat.
A5- we have a procedure in place - warning- talk out in hallway- go to another teachers classroom- phone call to parents- administrator referral
A5: When students are constantly disruptive I like to sent them to the teacher next door. They get right to work. Then we have a conversation about their behavior and why it was unacceptable.
A5: That's a tough one... but I also follow through on my step by step behavior consequences. Warning, conference w/ teacher, parent contact, admin involvement, behavior contract. But I also try to figure out what's causing the behavior. There's usually a reason... 😢
For more classroom management ideas, check out my ticket system post which keeps the community going once it's established and my post on routines that I believe really help keep a classroom orderly.

The #2ndaryELA community keeps the conversation going all week long over at our Facebook Group and you are invited to join!  In fact, we'd love for you to share anything from this chat that has helped you or if you have other classroom management strategies that we didn't cover and you would like to share, we invite you to do so!

Thanks for stopping by and being a part of the #2ndaryELA community!